Sitemap - 2022 - Atlantic Sentinel

Top Stories of 2022

Dutch Plan for Organic Farming Underwhelms

Responding to American Protectionism Has Downsides for Europe

Spanish Judges Block Senate Debate to Replace Them

Italy Shows Goodwill to EU with Last-Minute Tax Changes

Sánchez Cleans Up Mess Conservatives Made in Catalonia

Europe’s Asylum Crisis, Explained

Rent Control Keeps Failing. Countries Keep Trying

Dutch Child Care Would Pay Price for Government’s Failure

Europe Is Falling Behind in Cultivated Meat

Is Ron DeSantis the Next Donald Trump?

Don’t Blame Polls for Bad Predictions

Midterms Could Have Gone Worse for Democrats

Where Is the Party of Middle America?

Biden Would Repeat Dutch Mistakes in Regulating Freelancers

American Midterm Elections Guide

Alt-Right Picks Wrong Side in Dutch Farm Crisis

British, Dutch Eat More Plant-Based, But Hardly Less Meat

Russia Helped Repair American-French Relations

Support for Legalizing Cannabis, Cocaine Grows

Giorgia Meloni Sets Out Her Program

Why the Netherlands Isn’t Building

What Are Republicans For? The Far Right Knows

Americans, Dutch See Tradeoff Between Climate and Wildlife

Separatist Hardliners to Quit Catalan Government

Dutch Government Wastes €900 Million on Drug War

Meloni’s Plan for Asylum Seekers Makes Sense

Macron Is Right to Push Pension Reform

Don’t Turn Cultured Meat into a Culture War

Manchin’s Permitting Reforms Don’t Go Far Enough

Amsterdam Finds New Excuse to Ban Weed for Tourists

How the Left Lost the Italian Election

Live-Blogging the Italian Election

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Italian Election Guide

Dutch Government to Cap Energy Prices

Catalan Separatists March, But Are Divided

EU Proposes to Cap Electricity, Russian Gas Prices

Don’t Tell Europeans to Cut Down on Meat

Dutch Spend €16 Billion to Offset Higher Living Costs

Europe’s Energy Crisis, Explained

Farm Crisis Divides Dutch Government

European Military Support for Ukraine Dries Up

Overregulation Makes Child Care More Expensive in DC

What to Expect of Italy’s Next Government

Democrats Taxed and Regulated, Now Subsidize, Chips and Energy

More Misinformation About the Dutch Farm Crisis

Dutch Police Spend Too Much Time on Drugs

Mario Draghi’s Downfall, Explained

Sánchez Finds New Excuse to Avoid Catalan Talks

Misinformation About the Dutch Farm Crisis

Rutte Between Rock and Hard Place in Dutch Farm Crisis

Even in Gas Crisis, Germany Refuses Nuclear Power

How Politicians Keep Making Bad Drug Laws

The Center Did Not Hold in France

Takeaways from the French Legislative Elections

The Netherlands’ Farm Crisis, Explained

Spain’s People’s Party Hasn’t Turned the Page

How Johnson Lost the Confidence of Tory Lawmakers

How the Netherlands Is Spending Billions More on Defense

Sánchez Takes Risk by Snubbing Catalans

Why Dutch Asylum Centers Are Full

Macron’s Party Is Up, But So Is the Left

Dutch Government Created Housing Shortage, Blames Market

Biden’s Housing Policies Are Steps in the Right Direction

What Conservative Spain Has in Common with Putin

How Divided Government Works in France

Northern Ireland’s Political System Will Need to Change

To Fight Inflation, Liberalize Trade

Republicans Turn Their Backs on Private Enterprise

Amsterdam Won't Keep Weed from Tourists

Two Parties May Be Better Than Three

Why Congress Let Biden’s Child Benefits Lapse

Macron’s Next Challenge: Defending His Majority in Parliament

Macron versus Le Pen: Live-Blogging the French Presidential Election

Three Political Traditions Explain the French Election

Democrats Are Losing Touch with Middle America

Sánchez Can No Longer Ignore Catalonia

Macron Is Lesser of Evils for Mélenchon Voters

American Health Care Is Understaffed, Because It Is Overregulated

Macron Is Wrong to Back Away from Pension Reform

Macron Places First, But Le Pen Is Stronger Than Ever

French Election Blog and Newsletter Now on Substack

French Presidential Election Guide

Five French Election Scenarios

Programs of the French Presidential Candidates, Compared

Macron’s Successes and Failures

Netherlands' Kaag Disappoints Liberal Well-Wishers

Catalan Support for Independence Down, Autonomy Up

Ukraine War Gives European Defense Union New Urgency

Recommended Reading on the Russo-Ukrainian War

Dutch Ignored Warnings About Relying on Russian Gas

Germany Admits Failure of Ostpolitik 2.0

Which Countries Still Support Russia, and Why

Why Europe Didn't Reduce Its Dependence on Russian Gas

Recommended Reading on the Russo-Ukrainian War

Putin Invades Ukraine. How Far Will He Go?

Spain's Casado Flirted with the Far Right and Lost

Finlandization Is Not an Option for Ukraine

Macron: Liberal In All But Trade

Little Has Changed in French Presidential Race

Catalans Bear Brunt of Spanish Judicial Activism

Germany Exports Its Energy Failures

Portuguese Far Left Throws Away Leverage

How Can Biden Be Successful and Unpopular At the Same Time?

Give Joe Biden a Break

Italy Has a Draghi-Sized Problem

Pandemic Underscores Need for British Health Reform

EU Is Right to Label Nuclear Power Green

Expropriation Unlikely in Berlin, But So Is Cheaper Housing

Dutch Labor Reforms Don't Address Root Causes of Liberalization